What makes the difference is the way we respond to the hungry, the thirsty, the strangers, the poor, the sick and the prisoners. The ones who fail to feed, clothe and visit were told:
"'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life" (Matthew 25:45-46).
"The way I see it," said my friend, "you can't call yourself a Christian if you're ignoring the poor, the sick and the oppressed. And that scares me."
It scared me, too. What did this mean? Were my dreams of doing great things for God not enough? Was there a chance that I might end up on the goat team, despite the fact that I was the funniest, funkiest and most spiritual goat around?
It made me think. My ambitions were out of sync. I'd come so far down the line of believing in the importance of doing great things for God that my idea of spiritual success had become about as deep and meaningful as a real-life gym-bunny body. I mean, looking like Brad or Jennifer might be nice, but it would hardly make any of us better people would it?
The above isn't mine, it's Craig Borlase - the author of The Naked Christian (Relevant Books). The Chorleywood, England, native has written and led worship for Soul Survivor and now lives in London with his wife and daughter.
Here's some stuff to get involved in - Compassion International will allow you to sponsor beautiful, hopeful children like Happy. (That's her up above!)
And how about lending moral and financial support to the victims of the frontline of the war against terror (Michael Moore lied. It's actually real.) OneFamily allows you to send support letters/prayers and even financial aid.
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