This is one of my favorite videos from WAY back (in internet years) - April of 2007! What's that like 14 human years? 21? Lol! Anyhoo.. it's good enough to re-blog, fo sho.
Check it out. It's Holy Spirit filled video podcasting with the best - me (by the grace of Yahweh), Steve Schultz and his AWESOME prophetic video podcast that was so on the cutting edge back in the day (and needs some help to get back on its feet), Mark Chironna and, my new best mentor friend in Yeshua, Lance Wallnau! Plus some sweet Scriptures.

Just want to shout out to anyone who hasn't yet given into the Beautiful Maker, Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah (from the Hebrews, for the planet), now is a REALLY good time to dive into His depths.. the depths of His masterful DESIGN of the universe.. and of YOU.. the depths of His love.. that ties it all together.. the depths of His profound wisdom. What Yeshua offers of Himself is NOT religion.. unless your religion is to take care of the week of your planet, as if it were you yourself being downtrodden or forgotten. All that other so-called religion is worthless and wasteful self-worship and/or idol-worship! (Yes, I'm talkin' to you hyper-religious Christians as well!)
Yeshua.. He's not church-i-fied. He's ALIVE and He's good. And He longs to be face to face with YOU and with the poor in spirit (and, for that matter, with those steeped in meaningless sunday traditions.. but they gotta get outside the boxes to find Him!).
A great guideline for people studying the Bible - "All word and no Spirit, ya dry up. All Spirit and no Word, ya blow up. Filled with the Spirit and singing the Word, you fill up and overflow with justice-flavored Love!"
..:::ATOMSOUND.TV Video Podcast:::..
Quote: “Just want to shout out to anyone who hasn't yet given into the Beautiful Maker, Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah ”
ReplyDeleteLe-havdil,A logical analysis (found in www.netzarim.co.il (Netzarim.co.il is the website of the only legitimate Netzarim-group)) (including the logical implications of the research by Ben-Gurion Univ. Prof. of Linguistics Elisha Qimron of Dead Sea Scroll 4Q MMT) of all extant source documents of “the gospel of Matthew” and archeology proves that the historical Ribi Yehosuha ha-Mashiakh (the Messiah) from Nazareth and his talmidim (apprentice-students), called the Netzarim, taught and lived Torah all of their lives; and that Netzarim and Christianity were always antithetical.
It is important to distinguish the two polar-opposites - the authentic, historical, PRO-Torah 1st-century Ribi Yehoshua from Nazareth and the 4th-century (post-135 C.E.), arch-antithesis ANTI-Torah apostasy developed by the Hellenists (namely the Sadducees and Roman pagans who conspired to kill Ribi Yәhoshua ha-Mashiakh (the Messiah), displaced his original followers Netzarim and redacted the NT).
The historical Ribi Yehoshua is not the same person as the Christian Jesus. And the only way to follow Ribi Yehoshua is by become one of his Netzarim-talmidim.
Anders Branderud
Perhaps, having been saved from my sins as a Gentile, my predispositions lean towards a more universal opinion of who Yahweh is. Although I have studied the Bible (admittedly intermittently but consistently) over 25 years, I humbly admit I haven't even scratched the surface of who Yeshua (Jesus) really is.
ReplyDeleteBut I do know that "Salvation" Himself (the Hebrew for salvation is "Yeshua") saved and continues to save me from my sins and sinfulness! I do know that Yeshua is ONE with Abba Yahweh and that proclamation He makes of His oneness causes people to want to stone Him to death for blasphemy! I do know that His oneness with Yahweh is SUCH a sticking point that a bold Arabic inscription, "God is one and He has NO son" stands atop the Temple mount where once the TRUE Yahweh of Israel was worshiped freely. Psalm 2 shall answer THAT one! For I know that there is no STONE that could BLOCK the Eastern (Golden) Gate from OPENING for the very Brightness described in Ezekiel 1, verses 26 through 28 from entering the Temple Mount by that passage (Ezekiel 43:4)!
I DO know THAT much!
That said, I looked into your page because I have a friend who studied (and was transformed by his studies of) the Netzarim. During some questionable phases of his transformation four of us joined to discuss this question,
"What would Yeshua Observe?" Or WWYO, if you will.
We learned a lot about the different viewpoints and generally tossed out Helenistic traditions at the outset. But there are many distinctions about the movement of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Person of the Spirit of Him who raised Yeshua from the grave, from Jerusalem westward through Europe, the Americas and now the Asias… distinctions worthy of a lifetime of study alone.
I am a fledgling student of Hebrew, as a huge fan of the nation of Israel, and, most of all, I love the king of the Jews, Yeshua! I'm also a fan of the book birthed, in many translations around the world, because of his incarnation, spotless life, torture, death, resurrection, exultation and ascension to the Throne of Power from whence He came. The fact that the Bible is the single best selling book in history and, indeed, every year since the Gutenberg press started churning them out, is, to me, one of those undeniable proofs of the existence and nature of the Creator it speaks of. The problems of accuracy of translation, I believe, are summed up in the very nature of the One who yearns for his creation to know him. Indeed, in one of the New Testament (or, the Brit Hadashah) books, Romans, it says, "... what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. Since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead is, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God, nor were thankful..."
I really do love Israel. I think she is a marvel in so many ways. Never before in the history of mankind, never against so many odds, has a nation arisen from the ashes of the world scene as Israel has. And she is not some tyrannical nation arisen from the ashes! She is not some abject failure of a nation arisen from the ashes! She is the very birthplace of the ideals which, in my opinion, our planet would not have survived without. I believe, in the face of communism, Islam and the corporate power elite, without the ideals of the Judeo Christian ethic, planet Earth (or, rather, the species of humanity) would not have survived to this day. Israel even today is a preservative factor on our planet.
So, the deepest thing I perceive in your offer to examine your website and your ideals, the invitation to Israel, is greatly appreciated. But even so great an offer pales in comparison to knowing and serving the King of the Jews, Yeshua! I say this in terms of what my priorities are, not to offend you.
Please consider this "She'illah"
What leads a person to righteousness?