The Yahoo videoblogging boards have been accosted by a pornographic golpher! Now that I have your attention, see especially an aggregation of the discussion (brought to you by the We Are The Media team) which was sparked by one very passionate warrior for women's rights, KillerB. I include some of her (warranted) rant in this post as well as Ryanne's echoes of more angst towards these corporate type holdovers from the old school of network broadcasting television who are trying to grab content from and exploit the lives of many independent (mostly female?) videobloggers worldwide.
I've been really passionate about women's rights for over 20 years now, so I'm weighing in from the perspective of a believer in Yeshua (Jesus), King of the Universe from Israel. The women's rights movement was started here in the USA by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her peers - all devout Christians. In fact, everywhere true believers in the teachings of Yeshua have been throughout history human rights have been exalted and oppression cast down.
I just pray that this movement of videoblogging can stay FREE of corporate greed and perversion. Throughout history, the exploitation of women has marked the end of all the regimes of men - this present world order notwithstanding (Revelation 18:3).
Women in Chains (vlog73)
Hi Toma!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful video! Thank you for adding your important points to this. I was blown away - I love it! The support and voices of the rational vloggers is helping me survive the nastiness.
So glad you linked it on We Are The Media. I didn't even mean to create this media frenzy, but I'm more and more pleased with it. Thank you for being an understanding ally in this!
My best,
"super feminist" B
This was wonderfully stated and presented.
ReplyDeleteBrittany recommended that I come take a look at the video you did here. I am glad that she did. I think you added greatly to the discussion that has been going on.