in between "Static Shock" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"!
The "pianoforte" (as it was first named) is such a valiant instrument... it's wood and steel ring true and pure into our senses.
One particular moment occurred with both Josiah and Grace this morning... that moment when the sounds of the strings pierce your heart with their simplicity and intrinsic peculiarity of resonance. The piano speaks better quietly, perhaps. And maybe that's the reason that the "forte" was dropped from its name.
Grace had been pounding away ("fingers only!" is my only rule!) with gleeful abandon... then she stopped to announce a special movement of her performance - "a Cinderella song."
She played delicately a song. She paused after some tinkling of the higher notes and asked,
"Can you tell what Cinderella is doing?"
I said "Dancing down the stairs."
"No! She's Dancing with her handsome PRINCE!"
She's a self-made girl. I love that. (Got the dancing part right, though, didn't I? :-D )
After noticing how she was able to communicate (somewhat) with her music, a wonderfully mature expression came over her 3 year old face and she listened... really listened... to the sounds she was making. At one point she had slowed to striking a single string... and smiled at the sound.
That's the nuance I'm talking about.
The intimate, delicate delight in music, sight, ambient noise, expression, human moments, animal frolic, design excellence, and so much more... the sheer joy that comes from beholding something good...
Like Yeshua experienced (in His pre-incarnate state) after muddling around with the substance of matter -
"And God saw everything He had made and, behold, it was very good." Genesis 1:31
Not just "good," but "very good." His gentle nuance crowned all creation... with humanity... very good.
This challenges me. I want to thrive in that creative nuance. I'm so grateful for these moments, when my boys, my girl and my beautiful wife (who loves to spin in the living room with our children) deeply move me to express myself... to lavishly, exuberantly and passionately express myself.
Touching the strings... with grace... just like my son and daughter!
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