"Your website is important because it's an online storefront that is serving and selling your vision to thousands of people worldwide 24 hours a day... and that's a good thing."
That came from a conversation with my Grandma Lynn today. We were scheming our day together and she helped me come up with that sales pitch for potential customers of my webslingin skills (meager, but getting better).
And that's what strikes me tonight (as I write this blog for the second time - closed the window while researching content... again. Argh!)...
...that my website is available (depending on how thoroughly I prepare it and advertise it) to people all the world 'round.
And that's just so freakin' cool!
The way I see it, we who are entrepreneurial in spirit are called to become increasingly self-aware. We must know what worldview makes us excited about life on this funked up planet and learn to repeat that vision to ourselves, to our families and friends... and... to the world. An entrepreneur is one who shares their worldview boldly and consistently.
My tomasound.net site, for instance... if I EVER get THAT vision off the ground (it makes me think of the Kitty Hawk flight... strung out over 30 years!), it's gonna be beautiful! I have music from 1984 through today in my collection of original songs... easily numbering into the few hundreds... 80 to 100 of which are complete children... ready for broadway ... or wallstreet (as the case may be).
But having the website isn't all that... unless it's connected with a deep sharing of inner faith and conscience - the quality product or service being connected wholesomely to that worldview you believe in... so completely and whole-heartedly that even the most skeptical of "buyers" might be convinced they need a taste of what you've got.
That's what makes AtomSound so unique. We share the truth about the nature of the atoms that constitute who we are in the universe! We explain the "cosmological constant" and the "strong nuclear force" that physicists have such problem with (the smart ones do, at least)! We tell you about the Holder of the atoms, Yeshua, King of the Jews. Yes, the One who "For our sake was crucified under Pontius Pilate; suffered death and was buried (and) on the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end!" Unlike the Nicene Creed, however, we believe that He was not "made man" and did not "become incarnate." But that the nature of God IS "very Man" as well as utterly, transcendently God - Maker and Redeemer of the Universe... the AtomHolder. The Son of God was forever, is now and forever shall be, the Son of Man... fully God and fully Man. Ask a Rabbi about the appearances of Messiah throughout the scriptures (our "Old Testament") - it'll take him a week to show you all of them... and that's because Yeshua is the same yesterday, today and forever!
So anyways, my desire is to build tomasound.net as an example for a book I'm writing called, How to Build Your Online Business Empire. The loftiness of the title outdoes me, true. But I'm letting the writing of it teach me to do the same. That way I can't lose...
And, if I can pull it all off - Grace of the AtomHolder, be with me! - it's gonna be one nebulae of a legacy for my children!
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