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Soul Way h.264 video (Quicktime 7)
A little comic relief above. SoulWay style.
But my heart is still torn over Gush Katif, Homesh and the others. SEE????
Hey man...this is pretty random... and feel free to trash this comment (to your blog)... but I came across your "atomsound" site via some interesting means:
ReplyDeleteMy journey involves 6-degrees of separation... blog style... ooh, and "let's count the numbers to see if it really equals out to six" *claps with silly and sincere but cautious glee*
Ok, so a friend (and recently-former roommate) opened a blog (1) spurned by the encouragement of still another friend of his... the resulting blog:
Writing has been a mysterious and relentless war for me and though I used to live on the internet (IRC) for about 3 years in the late 90's, conversing all the time through the written word, I have journaled infrequently and forsaken the writing element for reasons I cannot fully understand. However, last month (July 2005), I decided to start my own blog (2) with the resulting and developing:
Well, one day I was surfing the blogs and came across a random blog (3)that pointed me to another blog (4):
and I actually have talked to that guy a few times through IM... and he's decent and really does have a knack for the written word (that I want to discern is more of a gifting than a learned issue, but who knows fur sure... um... God). So I followed a blog link (5) on his blog and wound up at the blog (6!):
It was from a post added today to that site that I saw (for my first time) the site "XXXChurch", went to THAT site and read some of the posts and responses... which led me to seeing a name "Tom Chaffer"... which led me to moving my pointer to that name... that led me to atomsound.com... that led me to the links page... that led me to the "brother and sister-in-law's band" link... that led me to a quick glance at the site that settled the suspicion I had (that you were one of Don & Lori's relatives)... and ULTIMATELY... while looking over your site, I was led to your own blog, that also coincidently happens to be powered by blogger... what a happy little world!!
OK, so seriously, now that the story is done. The truth is that I know Don & Lori (and Brandon, Christina, Anthony Case ((though very distantly from a tour in 1997 to Virginia where I met Don and Brandon)), Kenny Carter, Travis & Amy Brockway, other bass player(s), etc.). Another truth is that although I talked to Brandon a few months ago for an update give and take session, I have not personally conversed with Don or Lori in a couple of years. Still another truth is that although I had numbers for them, my inconsistent correspondence allowed for a few number changes that I never got updated on, and Brandon recommended email as the better form of communication. Even still another truth is that I have been lazy and procrastinatitive (wow, did I make that up?) and have not emailed Don (which also makes the fact that I am leaving a growing lengthy comment on your blog an interesting introspection instead of taking the time to email him... but this is pretty fun... and besides it was the flow of my day!!).
So now it comes to the ULTIMATE fact that, a result of this comment I have left on your blog would be for you to mention the following to Don & Lori when you speak to them, please:
"Hi y'all. Man have I thought about you (even prayed for you on occasion) many times over the passage of time. By the way. CONGRATULATIONS on the child ((but please scratch that remark to them if something tragic has happened.. which I am NOT speaking or confessing... and hope it hasn't... um, in the name of Jesus!!)). Brandon gave me some brief updates but mainly we talked to each other about each other in the phone call a few months ago. Everything is interesting here, still in the mountains of Virginia. Jesus is still Lord, woo-hoo! I look forward to getting up with you, plural, when the time comes again! If you want, you can give me a call at (540) 382-7735 or drop me a line at jagray2@vt.edu and/or visit my developing and recently started blog at www.jamesthegray.blogspot.com for various recent moments in my life! OK, I love you guys a lot. Bye."
Thanks Tom... now on to you. First of all, someone at a show in Virginia knew you (who I don't remember), and said to Don how much you two resembled each other, and by your picture, I'd have to agree. Secondly, I saw on atomsound.com that you go to Metro, I think. Mike Bickel and company is a profoundly insightful man (Song of Solomon teachings, Burning Heart development, Life of David teachings, wow) and **phone rang, telemarketer, hung up, back now** it's great you have something to do with that whole thing going on in the middle of the country. By the way, a family just moved here to VA, that went to that church, now attend the church I go to (www.dwellingplacenrv.com) and I'm randomly mentioning them in case you knew them (the Ebels... Jim & Jean & 4 kids). Anyway, the vision you are walking out with the passions that have set themselves in your heart (partly having to do with atomsound, and probably having to do with LOTS more as a wonderful child of our Father) sound outstanding... keep going for it, man!!! Ok, I think that's all I got time to write. I gotta go and have dinner with Shea... the recently former roommate, then go to church to potentially teach a class (called "First things First") depending on if anyone shows up. Ooh, I also see the Final Cut references and wanted to mention that one of the outlets for me is with the developing media group based out of our church, and we made a movie about a girl and family (etc.) dealing with the subject of abortion, and it won the "best screenplay" award at a local and small (but very liberal and intellectual) film festival called Progeny, here in Blacksburg, VA. I also play/write music (which is a primary personal passion and release), and am now done tooting some personal horn... except to say that I got into grad school for Marriage & Family Therapy at Fuller Theological Seminary ((which might have put me in California at this time BUT am currently in a year's deferral, with the schools support to pursue these personal passions that have been on my heart for years)). Ooh, and I also love rollercoasters and built one in Florida.
ok, that's it, take care, bye!
(ooh, and feel free to give me a call, drop an email, or comment on my blog if you are so inclined.)