Thursday, January 8, 2004

What little I can do.

What little I can do - I offer it to you.
You're my Friend - or you are my Child - or the amazing Wife I'm bound to

If I've lightened your heart today - if I've only given my all to pray...
If I've laughed with you or borne a burden - or helped you along the highway

It's what little I can do - for a friend of God like you.
I can see in your face - the Maker's splendor and grace.
And if I've lightened your load today - It's what little I can do.

I've been crying a lot lately - there's been pain in my offering.
But if your heart has been lifted - then mine is the honoring.

What little I can do - I offer it to you.
You're my Friend - or you are my Child - or the amazing Wife I'm bound to

The world is spinning faster and faster. The system's gone over the edge. But away from the enticement - there's a place far and away sweeter...
And it's just resting here for a moment - with you.

It's what little I can do...

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